Reception of orders

Orders will be received through until 16:00 h. All ordered orders from this time, will be managed the following day. The delivery will be made once we have received proof of payment.

If you have any questions, please contact us through or by phone 958 48 13 06.


The present General Conditions of Use, privacy policy, sale and rental (hereinafter "General Conditions") govern the use of the website (hereinafter Website) that MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA (in later MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA), puts at the disposal of persons who have access to its Website with the aim of giving information about own or third party products and services, and facilitate access to them, as well as the procurement of services and goods by means of the same (called "Services").

MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA with registered office in Plaza de Andalucía, Salvia Building 18196 Sierra Nevada Granada - Spain is a limited Spanish company owner of this Website, whose use is regulated by this document, with VAT number B18372359. To contact MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA, you can use the mail address mentioned above, as well as the email address

By the very nature of the Website, as well as its content and purpose, practically all of the navigation that can be performed should be done enjoying the status of client, which is acquired according to the procedures provided. Therefore this metioned client status means access to the General Conditions in the version published at the time someone access to the Website. MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA reserves the right to modify, at any time, the presentation and configuration of the Website, as well as the present General Conditions. For this reason, MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA recommend the Customer to read it whenever he access the Website.

In any case, there are pages in the Website accessible to the public in general, where MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA also wishes to comply with their legal obligations, as well as to regulate the use of the same. In this sense, users who have access to these parts of the Website, accepted, by entering these pages, the terms and conditions included in these General Conditions, to the extent that it can be applied.

Finally, by the very nature of this Website, it is possible to modify or include changes in the content of the present General Conditions. For this reason, the Customer, as well as other users who do not benefit from this condition, are obliged to access to these General Conditions every time he access the Website, assuming the conditions which are in force at the time of his access.

Access and security

Access to services requires the prior registration of users, once they accept the General Conditions, being considered as Customers.

Customer ID consists of his email address and a password. Access to the customer's own account, will require the inclusion of this identifier and a password which must contain at least 4 characters.

The use of the password is personal and untransferable, not being allowed the release, even temporarily, to third parties. In this sense, the Customer undertakes to make diligent use and keep secret, assuming all responsibility for the consequences of its disclosure to third parties.

In the event that customer knows or suspects the use of his password by a third party, he must change it immediately, in the way in which is collected on the Website.

Correct use of the services

Customer agrees to use the Services in a diligent, correct and lawful way and undertakes to refrain from:

  • use the Services for purposes or effects contrary to law, morality and generally accepted good manners or public order;
  • reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any means of public communication, transform or modify the services, unless you have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted;
  • perform any act that could be considered an infringement of any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA or third parties;
  • use the services and, in particular, information of any kind obtained through the Website to send advertising, communications for direct marketing purposes or any other type of commercial purpose, unsolicited messages directed to a plurality of people regardless of their purpose, as well as commercialising or disclosing in any way this information;

Customer is liable for damages of any nature suffered by MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA, during or as a result of the breach of any of the above obligations as well as any other included in these General Conditions or those imposed by the law in relation to the use of the Website.

MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA shall ensure at all times the respect of the laws in force, and shall be entitled to discontinue, in its sole discretion, the service or exclude to the client of the website in case of alleged commission, complete or incomplete, of some of the crimes or misdemeanours typified by the existing Penal Code, or in case of observing any behaviours which are contrary to these general conditions of MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA, the General Contracting Conditions operating for this Website, the law, the norms established by MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA or collaborators, that can disrupt the functioning, image, credibility and/or prestige of MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA or its partners.

Property rights

All contents of the Website, such as text, graphics, photographs, logos, icons, images, as well as the graphic design, source code and software, are exclusive property of MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA or third parties, whose rights in this respect holds legitimately MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA, therefore protected by national and international legislation.

The use of all the elements subject to industrial and intellectual property for commercial as well as their distribution, modification, alteration or decompilation is strictly prohibited.

Violation of any of these rights may constitute a breach of these provisions, as well as an offence punishable in accordance with articles 270 et seq. of the criminal code.

Those Customers who submit to the Website observations, opinions or comments through the service of electronic mail or by any other means, are authorizing MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA to the reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, and the exercise of any other right of exploitation of such observations, opinions or comments, for all the time of protection of copyright that is provided for legally and without territorial limitation. It is understood that this authorization is granted for free.

Claims that could be filed by Customers regarding with possible breaches of the rights of intellectual or industrial property on any of the services on this Website should be sent to the following email address:

Guarantees exclusion and responsibility

Irrespective of the provisions of the General Contracting Terms and Conditions relating to the procurement of goods contained in this Website, MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA is not responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and quality of this Website, its services, information and materials. Such services, materials and information are presented and are accessible without warranties of any kind.

MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA reserves the right to interrupt access to the website, as well as the provision of any or all services provided through it at any time and without notice, either due to technical, security, control, maintenance, power supply failures or any other cause.

As a result, MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of its Website or services, so the use of the same by the Customer is carried out at his own risk, unless, at any time, reponsibilities can be demanded to MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA in this sense.

To carry out a cancellation of a reservation, the date of communication 48 hours in advance to be able to return the total amount of the reservation, after these 48 hours it will not be possible to reimburse.

MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA is not liable to interruptions of services, delays, errors, malfunctions and, in general, other drawbacks with origin in causes beyond the control of MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA, or due to a fraudulent or negligent of the Customer and/or by origin of unforeseen circumstances or force majeure. Without prejudice to provisions of article 1105 of the Civil Code, they shall be included in the concept of force majeure, and for the purposes of these general conditions, all those events that occurred outside the control of MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA, such as: failure of third parties, operators or service companies, acts of Government, lack of access to third-party networks acts or omissions of public authorities, those others produced as a result of natural phenomena, power outages, etc. and the attack by hackers or third parties specialized in the security or integrity of the computer system, when MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA has taken reasonable safety measures. In any case, whatever its cause is, MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA assumes no responsibility either for direct or indirect damage, damage occurred and/or lost profits.

MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA excludes any liability for damages and damages of any kind that may arise from the lack of veracity, accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the services transmitted, disseminated, stored, made available or received, obtained or that is accessed through the Website as well as for the services provided or offered by third parties or entities. MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA will try, as far as possible, to update and rectify the information hosted on its Website that does not comply with the minimum guarantees of veracity. However it will be exonerated from liability for not updating or changing as well as the contents and information poured in it. In this sense, MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA has no obligation to monitor and does not control the content transmitted, disseminated or made available to third parties by customers or partners, except the cases in which the legislation in force requiere it or when it is required by a Judicial or Administrative Authority.

Similarly, MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the presence of viruses or the presence of other harmful elements in the contents that can produce alterations in the computer systems as well as in the documents or systems stored in them.

MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA is not responsible for the use the customer of the services does on the Website or his passwords, as well as any other material of the same, in violation of intellectual or industrial property rights or any other rights of third parties.

The Client agrees to hold harmless MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA, by prejudice, sanction, damage, expense (including, without limitation, Attorney's fees) or civil, administrative or any other liability that MULHACEN SKI SIERRANEVADA might suffer, related non-compliance or partial or defective compliance in turn of what is established in these General Conditions or in the applicable legislation, and, in particular, in relation to obligations relating to protection of personal data contained in these conditions or set out in the data protection act and implementing regulations.

Links to other websites

MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA does not warrant or assume any liability for damages suffered by accessing third party services through connections, links of the websites linked or the accuracy or reliability thereof. The function of the links that appear in the MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA is exclusively to inform the Customer about the existence of other sources of information on the Internet, where they can expand the services offered by the Website. MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA will not be in any case responsible for the results obtained through these links or for the consequences arising from access by customers to them. These third party services are provided by them, so MULHACEN SKI SIERRA NEVADA cannot control and does not control the legality of the services or their quality. As a result, the client should exercise caution in evaluating and using the information and services found on the third-party content.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

For any interpretative or contentious issues that may arise, the Spanish law shall apply and in the event of a dispute, both parties agree to submit, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the city of Granada.

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